Waiting for Your Friend to Call You Back

10 signs you've found your soulmateBy: Tiffany Langford

ahh, love.  It is something a lot of us are searching for in many different forms. But we're not just talking about any kind of love, we're talking about the bone shattering heart fluttering, corny kind that Elvis Presley talks about in Love Me Tender.

Whether you are nodding your head in agreement or rolling your eyes at the very idea of it, it just kinda seems to be in our nature to love. It is hard to deny that at some point you may have imagined yourself living life, with your soulmate.

What is a soulmate?

A soulmate is your other half, speaking in a spiritual sense. You soulmate is the person God has for you that will endure both the greatest joy and most heartbreaking defeats of life with you. They will love you, test you, challenge you, and make you feel emotions you've never felt with any other person on this planet.

Your soulmate is your helpmate.

Your soulmate is a completion of yourself, the other piece to your puzzle. They fill a part in your heart that no other human being on this earth could fill, and maybe I am a hopeless romantic (okay, obviously I am) but THIS is the only kind of love I believe is worth settling for. THIS is the kind of love worth waiting for. THIS is the kind of life I truly believe God has in store for those who will choose to set aside their hearts for the one that is meant to love them.

(You are going to LOVE this devotional. Click below to grab your copy of 31 Days of Prayer for Your Future Husband.)

So, here are 10 things I believe you experience when you find the person God has set aside for you.

    1. They've seen both the best and worst of you and still choose you. They've seen the ugly parts of you. They've seen you at your worst, burdened with fear and insecurities yet they choose to love you through it. They're staying, regardless if you are convinced they will someday leave you because you seen your mother or father go through that same thing. They stay and they LOVE. They are there during the rainbow and the storm.
    2. Thick and thin, the waves of life only push you both together instead of tearing you apart. You've made it up in your mind that you are sticking together til' the end. You've been to hell and back, but even the devil himself can't tear apart what God has ordained. You make a conscious effort to love each other daily, and everything that threatens your love or tries to come in between just causes you to cling to God and each other that much more. THAT, my friends, is the very definition of true love.
    3. You see a part of yourself in them. When you look into their eyes, it's different than when you look into anyone else's eyes. You see a part of you in them, it is almost like their heart completes yours. (Genesis 2:24) You can communicate with just one glance. You know and can feel their hurt even if they haven't said a word. When God says, "the two shall become one" He meant it literally, and you can attest to that.
    4. You can't imagine what your life was like before you met them. Imagine carrying around half of your heart in your hands. You search all over the world, looking for the other half then you find the other half in their hands. You've found your long lost best friend, even though you've never met before. There is an intense spiritual connection and you couldn't imagine your life without that special person. And if you had it to do all over again, you would still choose them.
    5. They've changed you for the better, not for the worst. When you look at yourself compared to before you've met that special person, do you feel stronger or weaker? Do you feel more confident or more insecure? The person God has for you will leave a mark on your life that will cause you to be a better person because you've met them.
    6. Time has made you fall more in love, not out of love. I used to live in so much fear because my entire life all I had ever heard was that nothing lasts forever. What is the point of falling head over heels in love if you are only going to end up broken? From my personal experience, I love the man I married five years ago much more today than I did on our wedding day, and that is saying a lot. Love isn't something that changes with the seasons, it stays consistent. Even when you fight, even when you get on each other's nerves, you still love your significant other regardless.
    7. You've experienced some sort of premonition or gut feeling before meeting them. You can call me crazy, but when I was a little girl I dreamed of meeting the love of my life in this particular neighborhood of town.  Many years later, after my dream was long forgotten, my mother, brother, and I moved to that very neighborhood, which just happened to be where I began dating the man who is now my husband. Coincidence? Maybe. But my husband, Kevin, has also had a few crazy things happen. We will save that for a later blog post. 🙂
    8.  You know that you know that you know you've found the one. Just like we talked about in number 7, what you feel with this person is beyond what you have felt or ever could feel with anyone else. The feeling doesn't change, it only evolves as time goes on. It does not lessen, it grows. When you lay your head down at night and are left with only your thoughts and God, there you will  find your answer. Peace or the absence thereof is a great indicator of whether or not you are in God's will. God will show you, trust me. (AND the feeling is mutual)
    9. They become your peace, not your calamity. In this crazy messed up world, I know that I can cry my eyes out and my husband will hold me and be there for me. God is ultimately my rock, but I truly feel like God gave me Kevin at the right moment for more than one reason. God knew that I needed a friend. God knew that my husband would play a major role in my healing process. God knew he would be my earthly companion who would bring me love, joy, and peace. For that I am so thankful.
    10. Even if you have previously crossed paths, you meet each other at just the right time. God brings the right person into your life when you are ready, not when you are lonely. There is a chance you could have crossed paths before, but your spiritual eyes won't be open to that person until the time is right. And when the time is right you will know. Finding your soulmate shouldn't be a part of a 5 or 10  year plan for you. You should allow yourself to be open to the idea of love when you are ready, its not something you place on a schedule.

(This devotional is going to bless your life! Click below to grab your copy of Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Godly Wife today!)

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Waiting for Your Friend to Call You Back

Source: https://waitingforyourboaz.com/signs-youve-found-your-soulmate

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