Make America Racist I Mean Great Again

The day after the midterm elections volition be catastrophic and joyous – depending on who wins. All the same, excitement soon diminishes as voters realize that elections don't change politics considering people practice non see the importance of primary elections.

A red wave, the term for a Republican win, is expected because We The People want anything but the same thing that we now accept. And making those changes brainstorm with the Midterm Master Elections.

Democrats realize that many liberals, independent, libertarian, conservatives, blacks, and Hispanics are trekking to the polling booths to cast their vote for a change. (Democrats Panic Over Of import Voting Block Defecting To GOP) As polling indicates, that is precisely the mix of voters who will brand changes on November 8, 2022.

While in that location is a chance for Democrats to remain in ability in one bedroom of Congress, the likelihood is minimal, peculiarly if trends keep at their current rates.

Nonetheless, modify is in the air.

However, if history is any indicator, heir-apparent's remorse volition set up in before long after Republicans take command of Congress in 2023.


Which is how Donald J. Trump became President in 2016.

Americans wanted a alter. Only, as usual, those who pinned their hopes on a Republican president and Congress were let down by those Republicans whose unabridged existence is wrapped up in D.C. swamp politics as usual.

Many already are preparing for the big letdown. But, those who are not should.

But fear not, some existent Americans are enlightened of the shortcoming of the Republican Party.

One of them is Senator Rick Scott of Florida. He has released an xi-betoken programme to rescue America. It works to assistance assure voters that voting for Republicans in 2022 volition carry out the hopes of Donald Trump'southward Making America Great Once again agenda. And to help them to know what to expect for in candidates.

In a brochure, the Senator says:

"The militant left now controls the entire federal regime, the news, media, academia, Hollywood, and most corporate boardrooms – merely they want more. They are redefining America and silencing their opponents.

"Among the things they programme to change or destroy are American history, patriotism, border security, the nuclear family, gender, traditional morality, capitalism, fiscal responsibility, opportunity, rugged individualism, Judeo-Christian values, dissent, free speech, color blindness, law enforcement, religious liberty, parental interest in public schools, and private ownership of firearms."

And so he asks, "Is this the beginning of the cease of America?" Then answers the question stating, "Only if we permit it to be."

After Scott states his reason for addressing Americans, "Our nation'due south futurity tin can exist bright — and this is my program to brand information technology so."

That plan boils down to 11 points that he expects Republicans in Congress to fulfill.

Point ane is relatively simple.

"Our kids volition say the pledge of fidelity, salute the Flag, larn that America is a bully land, and choose the school that best fits them."

Which is the very essence of our children'due south education. That is until the far left went unchecked through teacher's unions and school boards determined to destroy the very nature of America. The 2d betoken is:

"Government will never once more ask American citizens to disclose their race, ethnicity, or skin color on whatever government forms."

This is somewhat radical. It was only fifty years ago that the U.S. government finally shed this nation of the Jim Crow era's shame. The racist treatment of American citizens based on the color of their pare is the almost shameful chapter in our history.
To rid ourselves of this segregated order took a herculean attempt. However, despite our advancements, and there were many, black lives affair decided that the color of one's skin means everything. And in only the last twelvemonth, we again observe ourselves faced with a nation torn apart by racial politics.

This simple fix will go a long way in repairing the hatred between the races.

The 3rd signal is:

"The soft-on-crime days of coddling criminal behavior volition terminate. We will re-fund and respect the constabulary because they, non the criminals, are the good guys."

Every rational person, regardless of politics, wants the horrendous crime waves to end.

Point four is:

"Nosotros volition secure our edge, finish building the wall, and name information technology later President Donald Trump."

Finishing the border wall might meet with leftist opposition. However, we will immediately know who wants to fulfill President Trump'due south pledge to Make America Slap-up Again. Those Republicans who oppose this common-sense legislation will face their doom in 2024.

The fifth point states:

"We will grow America's economy, starve Washington's economy, and finish Socialism."

This, also, will encounter resistance. Today'south Democrat political party is likewise immersed in socialism to agree to whatsoever part of this. Withal, nigh all Republicans will support this. It is the reason they will have been voted into office if we tin get them to Nov.

Point half dozen states,

"Nosotros will eliminate all federal programs that tin be done locally, and enact term limits for federal bureaucrats and Congress."

Returning local command will downsize the federal government. Information technology is what the Constitution of States move is all about. This proposal will give dorsum to u.s.a. their Constitutionally protected say-so. This proposal will dissever the RINO Republicans from the Conservative members. This point will be a precursor for who needs to be replaced in 2024 and beyond.

The seventh point is:

"We volition protect the integrity of American Democracy and stop left-wing efforts to rig elections."

There volition never once more be a Republican president or Congress if they don't.

Bespeak viii:

"Nosotros will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs."

Over again, Scott is striking at the heart of the socialist movement in America. Simply, unfortunately, it volition be attacked worse than Justice Kavanagh was at his hearings.

The American family unit is What Makes America Great, and its devastation began seventy years ago when school prayer was banned.

That tiresome progression has resulted in boys in girls' bathrooms co-ed dorms for colleges and the military machine—parents nether arrest for disciplining their wayward children or protecting them at school board meetings.

The family unit breakdown is the reason for mass school murders, rapes at record numbers, mass mob thefts, carjackings, and murders in record numbers. The family breakdown is the basis for the social deterioration of our lodge.

If you want to Make America Great Again, kickoff with family values.

The ninth point is:

"Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science."

A critical point that goes back to the structure of the family unit. However, believing in science goes beyond biology, including masks and vaccinations.

The tenth point states:

"Americans will be gratuitous to welcome God into all aspects of our lives."

Religion is under attack in today's America. The devastation of the family unit has more than significance, but religion is the basis for civilized morality. Without organized religion, killing another, or raping them, is all part of everyday life. No morals mean chaos. But similar Antifa brings to the Democrat tabular array.Bespeak eleven states:

"We are Americans, not globalists."

Point eleven will meet resistance from RINO Republicans like former President Bush and his fellow neocons because they are globalists. But, with those unproblematic words, Rick Scott has declared war on the deep state conduce that was almost able to destroy President Trump. That acquired Trump to lose the 2020 ballot.

This manifesto declares war on those who do non wish to Make America Great Once more. And a guideline for anybody going to the Midterm voting booth. Which every person tired of the status quo must do.

If a Republican does not stand with these unproblematic 11 points, they should exist replaced on the ballot by someone who does.

In that fashion, on Nov ix, 2022, nosotros volition know that America is We are Americans, not globalists. And we will back on the path toward Making America Great Once more.

Editors Note:  Chief Elections begin next week in Texas. These important elections decide who volition be on your Midterm ballot:


Read more from Joseph Ragonese.

Gun Control

About the author:

Political Staff Author Joseph Ragonese is a veteran of the Usa Air Force, a retired police officeholder,  has a degree in Criminal Justice, a businessman, journalist, editor, publisher, and fiction writer. His last book, "The Sword of Mohammad," can be purchased at in paperback or kindle edition.

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